Behavior Change: Naloxone
A behavior change campaign to save lives

Using our powers to fight opioid addiction
Opioid addiction and accidental overdose are big problems in Maine. When a new state-wide campaign began to raise awareness of accidental overdose and reduce the stigma of opioid antagonist naloxone, Ethos|VONT was called in to help.

A dire situation in Maine
The situation was dire. Misconceptions about opioid addiction in general and the role of naloxone specifically were rampant. While Ethos ran media efforts, VONT worked on the digital side writing, designing, and programming a new channel on the substance use disorders website, Eyes Wide Open, and running digital advertising campaigns.

The team created the #HaveItOnHand hashtag and wrote content to allay fears and underline the importance of getting naloxone at the same time an opioid prescription is filled. To reduce the stigma attached to naloxone, the campaign drew parallels between naloxone, fire extinguishers, and life preservers–all of which are used in case of emergency. The team also worked to bring home the message that accidental overdose “can happen to anyone”.

Changing minds. Changing lives.
So far, the results are impressive. In a state-wide survey commissioned a few months after launch, 83.8% of respondents agree that having naloxone on hand is like having a fire extinguisher in the home and a life preserver on a boat, and 88.1% of respondents agree that anyone taking opioids, legally or illegally, is at risk of an accidental overdose.