Claim Your Future


Information Architecture
Web Design
WordPress Development


Doug Bertlesman
Tim Blackstone
Tom Gale
Sarah Rowlands

The Finance Authority of Maine (FAME) approached VONT with the challenge of reimagining Claim Your Future, which was a printed teaching system used in classrooms to help teach school-age children – especially middle schoolers – about education choices and financial responsibility. Realizing that one of the best ways to educate kids about a subject they may not be inclined to learn is through play, VONT set about to gamify the experience, making it informative, approachable, and most importantly, fun.

Video Still for Claim Your Future

Fast Facts

Number of kids who have played Claim Your Future
Number of states with students playing Claim Your Future
Number of countries using the Claim your Future regularly

Wants or Needs?

In the game, players choose careers and navigate through spending choices that teach about the difference between wants and needs. You want a luxury sports car? That’s going to cost you, and possibly break your budget. You’ll either have to cut back in other areas or reconsider your options!

As they progress through the game, students get a clear view of the strong connection between the choices they make today and their opportunities in the future. They also learn that higher education leads to more career options and higher paying jobs. At the end of the game, students see a visual representation of how much money they spent in the course of the game and how their choices affect the outcome.